Taliworks (Yinchuan) Wastewater Treatment Co. Ltd is a wastewater treatment service provider operating and managing four wastewater treatment facilities located in Yinchuan, providing wastewater treatment services to the local government.

    We operate and manage our wastewater treatment plants on a Transfer-Operate-Transfer (TOT) basis for 30 years since September 2011. We also undertake the upgrading and expansion of our wastewater treatment facilities to achieve higher wastewater discharge standards and to increase our designed treatment capacities.

    As an ancillary business, we also provide supply of recycle water, which is the treated wastewater processed by our Plant 1 and Plant 3, to end-users in Yinchuan which include but not limited to a power plant and a public institution in Yinchuan in charge of public area landscaping.

    Currently, our aggregate daily wastewater treatment capacity is 475,000 cubic metres per day, and the discharge standard for all wastewater treatment plants are Class IA and Quasi Surface Water Standard Class IV (準四類水標準).